Thursday, May 8, 2014

Twitter for Small Businesses: Five Universal Tips to Get the Right Perspective



Social media is an essential component of any marketing campaign today. However it is especially beneficial for small businesses.
Essentially unfolding your marketing efforts on social platforms costs nothing, but depending on the number of platforms you incorporate, it can take you a lot of time. Small businesses are free to use social media for developing their brand awareness, raising their profile, gauging their market, interacting with current and potential customers and many other objectives.
Twitter is the second largest social platform on the Web thath can serve your business goals very well if used smartly. Let’s consider 10 things you should take into account to help your startup profit from Twitter.
Personal approach is the key.
Never spend your time and money on outsourced services for doing your social marketing. It’s only you and your business colleagues who know what your startup really needs.
To win users, two things are critical: personal interaction with your audience and passionate commitment to your business.
Often your personal approach is the thing that appeals to your customers and sets you apart from big brands. If your strength is not a competitive price, this is a chance for you to stand out for your service. And Twitter can help.
On Twitter you don’t need expensive tools for measuring engagement – all you need to do is listen to and follow your clients’ feedback.
Research indicates more than 70 percent of customers expect an answer to their complaints on Twitter within an hour and more than 50 percent of customers expect the same for a standard query. Given this, you appear to be in a very convenient position to satisfy their expectations.
Since you’ll have to chat with customers a lot, it’s important for you to use proper conversational style. Note that sarcasm turns will make any situation worse — it’s often interpreted incorrectly. When it comes to punctuation, avoid repeated exclamation marks and frequent abbreviations. Also beware of spelling mistakes. Usage of the conversational manner in speech is optimal — it encourages responses, makes you seem approachable and reflects well on your business.
Balance your content strategy.
Balance engaging and interacting with subscribers with sharing useful and relevant content with your community.
In fact, you should maintain the balance between using Twitter as your marketing and user engagement platforms.
To retain users’ loyalty and interest, entertain them with the content of a broader topic, post the associated information, and borrow content from others if it is helpful for your customers.
In case the link you want to post is too long, use a service like or Google’s URL shortener.
Discount offers are effective for promotion.
Discount offers work very well on Twitter.
To get maximum engagement take some of these valuable tips into consideration: To ensure interest, tease your customers about the sale before the campaign. To maintain the constant conversation, keep responding to your followers’ comments. To keep the momentum up, remember to tweet the length of the campaign.
Following these simple tips will ensure the success of your promoting efforts.
Users should be able to access your Twitter page from your website.
Be sure you have visible links to the Twitter account on your home page. It’s possible to attach “follow” and “share” buttons and to separate pages and pieces of content. It’s effective since you have more chances to be read on their Twitter feeds rather than on your website.
Host the Twitter feed on your home page. This provides updates on a regular basis and shows your online activeness and openness to inquiries.
Promoting tweets is available.
Twitter has recently opened its advertising network to everyone. Users are charged according to the pay-per-action scheme — you pay only when the promoted tweet is replied to, retweeted, followed or favorited. You may also target your users by gender, geography, interest, devices and track your marketing progress with the help of Twitter’s analytics package.
These are the guidelines you can safely utilize to leverage Twitter and benefit your small business. And who knows, maybe you’ll soon find yourself side-by-side with your big brand competitors.

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