Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to Write a Psychology Dissertation

A dissertation is the final requirement for achieving a Ph.D. It is usually written after all required coursework is completed and the doctoral candidate has passed a comprehensive test. Psychology is an ever-evolving field of study with unlimited theories and topics to research. Psychology doctoral candidates are expected to conduct original research and gather supporting empirical evidence. A dissertation for a Ph.D. in psychology is a structured and highly technical form of writing that requires the writer to follow specific guidelines.


  1. Write the introduction of your dissertation. Describe the problem, your hypothesis and your proposed resolution of the problem. Explain briefly why your study is significant and who will benefit from your research.
  2. Write about your research in the main body of the dissertation. Include the facts, the evidence you gathered and an analysis of your research. Evaluate and discuss each element thoroughly. Illustrate your research with graphs and charts where appropriate.
  3.  Describe your methodology in the next section. Define your data-gathering technique, including the population sample size for surveys and observations. State survey findings in this section as well.
  4. Conclude your dissertation by restating the original question and summarizing all of your research. State whether or not your research supports your hypothesis. Make recommendations for treatment, adjustments in group structure or any other recommendations that are supported by your findings.
  5. Create a title page for your dissertation. Include the title of your dissertation, your name, previous degrees and the year you received the degree(s). State the reason for submitting your dissertation. Complete the title page with the name of the department, the university and the year of anticipated graduation.
  6. Write an abstract to follow the title page. Summarize the entire dissertation and include every key point raised in your paper.
  7. Insert an acknowledgment page following the abstract. Include the names of everyone that provided significant help in collecting data, offered advice and supported you during the research process. Limit the acknowledgment section to one page.
  8. Create a table of contents. List main chapters followed by subchapters and sections. Include the beginning page number of each chapter and subchapter or section.
  9. End your dissertation with a bibliography. Include each source used during the research and writing of your paper. Use the format required by your psychology department to list sources.


  • The title page, abstract, acknowledgments and introduction usually precede the main body of the dissertation, but are often easier to write once the main body of the paper is complete.
  • Strictly follow the format designed by your psychology department. A dissertation may be rejected for deviations from the prescribed format.
  • Plagiarism will result in your dissertation being rejected and your Ph.D. withheld. Always correctly cite sources.


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