Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to Start a Law Firm in California

Starting a law firm is the dream of many attorneys. Unlike many other forms of business where you need to find investors, raise capital and have a "ready-to-market" product or service before you can start, most attorneys had everything they needed to begin a law firm on the day they graduated from law school. Indeed, with a law degree, a license to practice and hard work, you can have your law firm up and running in a matter of days.


  1. Decide on which practice area(s) you want to work in. Normally, this would be the area of law you have been practicing in or in the case of starting out right after law school, the area you focused on during your studies. If you decide to practice in a new area make sure that you have or acquire enough knowledge and skill of the area to be able to competently advise or represent clients as required in the Rules of Professional Responsibility.
  2. Choose a business structure. Generally, law firms can be a solo proprietorship, a partnership, a professional company or a limited liability corporation. Each business structure has its own benefits, for example, in a partnership you may be able to increase the areas of practice with each lawyer that joins or becomes a partner. Alternatively, working solo allows you to be in complete control of how your firm is managed. Choose the structure that is most suitable to you situation. Information about the various business structures and their benefits is available from the California Franchise Tax Board's online business section.
  3. California Franchise Tax Board
  4. Complete the required formalities needed to start your firm. If you choose any business structure other than a solo proprietorship, you will be required to complete the appropriate actions such as preparing and filing your firms articles of incorporation the state before your firm will be considered legal. The Secretary of State provides specific information of what is required to register for each business structure.
  5. California Secretary of State
    Business Entities
    1500 11th St.
    Sacramento, CA 95814
  6. Choose a location for your office. An office can be located anywhere from your own home to a location close to the courthouse. Decide on which location will be most suitable and convenient to you and/or your partners, your practice area and your clients.
  7. Market your firm. Your firm will not succeed without clients. Decide and implement a marketing plan that will ensure you can find clients such as sending announcements of your firm's opening to lawyers and law firms you know or placing an ad in a California State Bar Association publication. Remember to abide by the to Rules of Professional Conduct in regards to how, when and who you may market to.
  8. Practice law. There is no better marketing campaign or means to grow your firm than by performing the fundamental duties of a lawyer: advising, counseling and representing your clients.


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