Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How Social Media Speakers Can Help Increase Your Business Sales



A big chunk of the human populace is on the Internet, spending several hours each week on various social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Whether you’re selling tangible or intangible products and services online or just wish to use these online platforms for lead generation, you just cannot afford to ignore social media channels.

Having a Couple of Professionals handling Social Media is not enough

While having a dedicated team (in-house or third party service provider) is recommended, most business owners tend to ignore the importance of a balanced and informed social media strategy. Whether you want one for branding, marketing or lead generation, you need to be aware of the fact that professionals who have NOT ‘been there and done that’ cannot do much without expert supervision.

But, can you hire the top social media experts? Most companies cannot.
First, these experts charge very high fees for their services. Apparently, they know their worth. Second, they usually prefer to work as independent consultants.

So, how do you go about training your social media team?

You Can Hire Social Media Speakers

If you haven’t hired motivational speakers in the past, you probably have little or no idea of how big a difference they can make.

Do you know why new social media marketers, interns and content creators fail to engage audiences on social media networks?

Here’re the two most common reasons:

  • They lack confidence because they have not done it before;
  • They are not exposed to tried and tested secrets.
A social media strategist can solve both of these problems for your company.

Been There, Done That

An established social media speaker is someone with proven experience in the field.
While some know LinkedIn social media marketing in and out, others know how to create a buzzword on websites like Facebook, Twitter etc.

Whether you’re trying to improve sales volumes through B2B marketing or B2C campaigns, a good social media speaker can always educate the audience on how to create and sustain a marketing
message across all major social media networks.

You Can Do It

One of the biggest hurdles most companies face in realizing a given set of social media marketing goals is lack of confidence. People just find it hard to believe ‘they can.’ They look at the social media campaigns of all these big companies with hefty marketing budgets and wonder how they can ever be able to strike a chord with thousands every week.

Social media strategists who are available for hire as speakers have real life stories that can leave anyone in your company asking himself – “if he can do it, why can’t I?” That’s precisely what good speakers do.

First, they make your team ‘believe.’ Next, they show you ‘how to do it.’

Tips Drawn on Experience

A social media speaker is not a typical motivational speaker who tries to charge up the audience. She/he doubles up as a motivational speaker and a social media strategist.

Such experts always have countless practical and street-smart social media branding, lead generation and marketing tips ready. There’s no fluff in their presentations.

Such speakers will create and give masterful and lively presentations on how even a compact team of founders, early employees and new birds in a team can work together to:

  • Create engaging content that your target market would genuinely be interested in;
  • Prepare, execute and measure a social media strategy;
  • Launch winning campaigns when you have great offers;
  • Integrate other marketing campaigns with social media marketing efforts.

A single keynote presentation by a specialist social media speaker can leave your entire team with deeply embedded information in their heads on ‘how to nail a social media marketing campaign.’ They would consciously and subconsciously follow up on this information, ultimately leading to more branding and sales.

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