Thursday, July 17, 2014

25 Reasons Why Blogging Works


Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /

Blogs are one of the most powerful tools you can have when it comes to marketing your brand. They may seem trivial, but if you have yet to set up a blog, you may find that your sales are not growing. Below are 25 of today’s top reasons why blogging and blogging services work for you.


1. You Are Becoming An Advisor In Your Field. The greatest part of blogging is becoming a trusted advisor and an authority in your field. The more you write, the more you will show understanding in your field and that you understand your customers. A blog helps customers get to know you and feel more secure when purchasing from your company. Blogs also give you the opportunity to answer frequent questions customers have, which will make the sales cycle much shorter than previously.

2. It Helps Incredibly With Search Engine Optimization. Search engine optimization is what brings people to your site by utilizing specific keywords. Your blog can provide excellent opportunities to bring in more people and gives your site the ability to be in the search results more frequently. SEO involves many different elements outside of keywords such as high quality content. If you are worried you may not be able to write high quality pieces, blogging services can help you tremendously.

3. Each Blog Post is a Web Page Filled With Keyword Opportunities. Your site may only be able to use a handful of targeted keywords, which can limit the range of people you bring in from the search engine results page (SERP). The amazing thing with blogs is each will be a unique Web page with the opportunity to utilize more keywords and bring in more people. Blogs add variety to your website, which most people enjoy.

4. Blogs Reflect Your Entire Website. Most people will find your website through your blog, making your blog the perfect opportunity to reflect your website positively. If your blog is high quality, filled with great information, and shows a good personality, many people will be willing to purchase from you. This is your chance to show that your company is filled with human workers, instead of hiding behind your website.

5. You Can Use Different Keywords in Different Blogs to Bring More People. Having several unique Web pages, or blogs means you will be able to use a variety of keywords. Your business might be in the insurance field, but you can write a specific blog post on dog insurance and use keywords regarding dogs. This is going to bring in a different audience that your various insurance landing pages will not.

6. Blogs Provide Easier Customer Follow Up and Retention. A blog gives you the ability to follow up with and retain customers, as well as gain them. You can ask for visitors’ e-mail addresses when they read your blog in order to help them stay up-to-date with you. This will also give you the ability to send them your e-mail campaigns easily, which will help convert many of the readers into clients. This helps customers feel you are following up with them, which will keep many working with your business and using your products or services.

7. Blogging Creates An Audience For Your Site. While you enjoy getting visitors to your blog, you want those visitors to turn into a long-term audience. The difference between the two is simple: one group clicks on your links and visits around your site, the other group continually reads your blog and stays up-to-date on your company. The second group will turn into your audience, and they are some of the most dedicated people you will find for your company. Your blog gives you the opportunity to write things your audience will appreciate and will help you build a relationship with them.

8. Blogging Shows You Are Committed to Your Customers. People may not think the company is interested in its customers if never blogs or engages in social media. Blogging will let people know you are committed to them and aren’t just trying to seek sales, leaving them behind once they purchase an item. While it doesn’t seem very personal, many people do feel a personal connection to someone when he or she reads that person’s blog.

9. Blogging Creates Opportunities. Having an active blog is a great way to create different opportunities within your field. You may find that you are able to connect with competitors and work together, helping each other bring in revenue. This may seem strange, but working with your competitors will show customers that you are a great person with which to do business. It will also provide you with opportunities to bring in people that may not have heard about you yet. One way this creates opportunities is a blog is an open door to guest blogging on other sites. Guest blogging will also help bring in more customers and revenue.

10. It Enables You to Tell Your Business’s Story. Everybody loves a story, whether it is a fairy tale or about how a business came to be. People love origin stories, as well. A blog gives you the ability to tell your business’s story in a more in-depth way that your about page cannot. You can tell readers how your business came about, how the company has grown, and any other interesting bits of history and information. If your story is very long, you can break it up into a blog series. This is a great way to keep readers coming back to your blog and website.

11. It Gives You the Chance to Learn New Things. Blogging is a great teaching and learning tool for your readers and you. The more you blog, the more you learn about ways in which to engage your customers or new marketing techniques. It is important that you don’t blog without researching various new blogging methods because these can help you achieve more success. It can also help you learn about things within your field that you may not fully understand or to learn new things outside of your field.

12. Blogs Have a Higher Chance of Going Viral. Going viral is one of the best ways to get noticed on the Internet and blogs help that happen. A blog post is easily shared; all someone as to do is copy the link and paste it in their status. They can also instantly share it if they follow your social media accounts. Viral material will get you noticed by a wider range of people, and it can bring in significant revenue for your business.

13. Blogging Gives Your Entire Brand A Unique Personality. When you create a blog, your company and brand will start getting a distinct personality. How does it get a personality? By writing your blog, you are giving it your own personality and making it seem like your product isn’t just an inanimate object. This makes your brand relatable.

14. Blogging Keeps Your Website Up-to-Date And Fresh. It gives you the ability to keep your website new and fresh all the time. It is difficult to constantly change your webpage look; blogging will help you stay away from needing to do that. New blog posts every day or every other day will help liven up your website and have consistently new content that you and your clients can share with anyone.

15. Blogging Provides the Ability to Meet With Others in
 Your Field. The more you blog, the more you will make yourself known in your field. This provides an incredible opportunity to reach out and trade knowledge with others. A great example of this is both copywriting and library services. Copywriters share their knowledge constantly through blog posts, helping other copywriters learn new tricks to improve the blogging services they offer. Librarians do the same and will use blogging to help each other when it comes to state reading programs or other programs their state has available.

16. Blogging Shows That There Is A Living Being Behind The Site. All too often, many people feel that there isn’t anyone to connect with on a business website. It feels impersonal and can stop some people from working with a business. A blog shows people that there is a living human behind the website and that there is someone to interact with. A blog isn’t as formal as a newsletter or e-mail and, because it is frequently updated, it helps people feel there is someone there while they are looking around your site. This creates a personal connection with clients and potential clients, helping convert many readers into customers.

17. A Blog Provides News and Updates Quicker For Customers. A blog is great if you have an event coming up, but your weekly e-mail has already been sent out. It is an easy way to quickly update people on any news within your company and anything going on,. People may pay more attention to a blog, instead of the constant e-mails they receive. Consider doing a “weekly roundup” to keep people informed on everything that happened in your business that week. They will feel like they are part of the process, which is great for promoting sales and generating new leads.

18. Blogging Can Promote Community. A blog helps to promote a feeling of community amongst your clients and people in your field. Community is a huge part of the human life cycle and people don’t want to lose that with the Internet. Writing a blog not only helps people feel like there is a person behind the site, but also provides them with a place to interact with you and others.

19. Blogging Will Bring In More Revenue. The truth of the matter is, blogging will bring in more revenue. By using more keywords than your site provides and creating a community for your clients, blogging will garner more interest in your brand and product. You will be excited to see just how well it will work for your company. After just a few short months of blogging, you could bring in several hundred or a thousand dollars more. This is one of the most important aspects of blogging.

20. A Blog Can Give You The Ability To Hire More People. When your company starts growing, you will need to consider hiring new people. Blogging provides you with the ability to hire the right people. You will want the best possible candidates to interview and hire, and your blog will bring in those people. It can show them what type of business you run and help them know if they are qualified for your company.

21. Blogging Gives You The Ability to Make Changes to Your Company. A blog is a live example of the ups and downs your company goes through. This gives you the ability to look through your previous blogs and see what works and what doesn’t work. Knowing what does and does not work will help you plan out future marketing campaigns and show you the areas of your business you may need to change. It also provides clients with the ability to inform you about which changes they believe your company needs to make. This can help your company grow into a very successful endeavor.

22. Blogging is Perfect for Press Releases. You may think press releases are history, but they are powerful tools that you can use to bring in more people to your site. You are able to optimize your press release for the search engines and what better way to get it out there than to publish it on your blog? This gives you the ability to share your press release with your clients, while also giving others the ability to find your company and learn what it is about, all at once.

23. Quality Content Sets You Apart From Your Competitors. Blogging also gives you an incredible opportunity to stand out from your competitors. If you consistently write quality content for your blog, you will be seen as someone who knows what they are talking about and this will help bring in more clients. If you are a busy marketer who does not have time to dedicate to consistent blogging or you feel that you cannot produce the quality needed, blogging services may be something that will help you tremendously. Blogging services will have trained copywriters who know the rules of Google and can provide consistent quality work, giving your site the best possible chance of being noticed.

24. Blog Comments Give You the Ability to Hear From Customers. Blogging allows clients to reach you quickly about their concerns or ideas. A blog comment is a powerful tool for all brands and can help you learn which areas of your business need improvement. This is a lot quicker than sending an e-mail to you or someone else in your business because e-mails can sometimes get lost in the myriad of other work related e-mails. A blog comment gives someone the instant ability to reach you and help you remember to respond to him or her. Consider making customers leave their name and e-mail address to ensure you have the ability to respond to them privately.

25. Blogging Will Help You Stay Organized. You may have many ideas that are going through your mind, but they can become messy and unorganized quickly. A blog gives you the ability to organize these ideas and write them down. Sometimes, planning your blog far in advance is incredibly beneficial because you are able to write down the topic idea you have and a brief description to remind yourself of your thoughts. You will find it is much easier to stay organized with your ideas once you start your blog.

In Closing
As stated previously, blogs and blogging services are some of the most powerful tools available to you. These tools give you many opportunities and incredible abilities to grow your company. Several companies have seen tremendous success with their blogs. We hope you enjoyed this information, and we hope you are considering starting a blog of your own for your business!

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