Saturday, May 4, 2013

Getting Referrals From Others

If you don't ask for referrals, you probably won't get many. Letting people know you are a growing business and want more clients can help you take your company to the next level. You likely already get some referrals if you provide your clients with exceptional service. Social media websites allow businesses to attract referrals in an inexpensive and far-reaching way. Asking for referrals is another cheap way to market your business.

Getting Referrals From Others

  1. Start your referral process by treating your current clients like you are selling yourself to future clients. Provide excellent customer service and explain to your clients your business and what makes it better than the competition. Your client may not be able to understand without your help that your business goes above and beyond.
  2. Let your clients know how you will handle a referral. By letting them know that the new client won't be harassed with too much contact, they will be more willing to make referrals. Let them know how the new client will be contacted and how you will follow up.
  3. Explain to your clients how you would like them to refer you. Give them a business card or pamphlet and tell them to pass it on to a person who they think would benefit from your service.
  4. Post your business on social networking sites such as Facebook. Update your status to keep your business in the forefront of people's minds. This is an easy way to get to multiple people to see what you have to offer. Posting will familiarize your friends with your business and increase the chance of them suggesting you to their friends.
  5. Hand out business cards at community groups you participate in. Don't push people too hard, but if your employment comes up in a conversation, hand the person a card. They may call you for your services or they may pass the card on to someone who needs your service.

- Dementia Signage Products for the Home

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