Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to Locate Hidden Assets

Hidden assets investigation and location is a skill that takes years of practice to acquire. The person hiding the asset works hard to prevent the discovery of the money, property or item of value because it is often very valuable and worth hiding. An investigator will use several tools, but often doesn't know what exactly they're looking for or going to find. Often several leads are followed that to the need for further investigation. A well-organized investigator will be able to help an client not find assets of value, but also recover those assets.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet Connection
  • Computer
  • Car



  1. Gather known information. The target, or the person hiding the asset, makes the asset purchase or transfer. Additionally, there is often a known point of origin. Use the person requesting the investigation to give you as much information as possible. This will help you follow the trail of the asset through normal commerce, as well as black market channels.
  2. Observe the target of your investigation. Follow their daily routine for a couple weeks to understand what they do, where they go, and how they conduct financial transactions. Clues to discovering hidden assets might be discovered through these actions or variations in routines.
  3. Look at all of the target's known assets. Try to get the target's bank statements, Department of Morot Vehicles Report, credit card statements, public real estate documents and any other known accounts under any names or known business operations the associated with the target. Identity unusual transactions and ask the entity that helped the target facilitate the transaction for additional documentation or records of the transaction.
  4. Look for documents that are not often associated with personal finances. Things like frequent flyer miles, security deposits, time shares, tax refunds, collections and hobbies or royalty payments are great ways to disguise assets. Often, these items aren't consistently paid for using the same amount of money. They're often good conduits to hide money or convert property to cash to hide the asset.
  5. Request to look at the target's passport information. This might need to be done through court order. A passport will show travel to locations where assets might be hidden or converted.
  6. Acquire emails or information on personal data assistants (PDAs) and cell phones this will help to obtain schedules and possible distance transactions with foreign banks that often hide assets for U.S. citizens that are difficult to have transferred back to the United States.

Things to Keep in Mind...

  • These assets are not meant to be found so results aren't often guaranteed by investigators. Look for an investigator with a proven track record in recovering hidden assets. This will help increase your success in recovering hidden property. The investigator should also be versed in using the court system to discover and secure hidden assets through things as writs of execution, turnover orders, bank levies, blanket levies, and debtor's examinations.
  • While trying to find hidden assets can be a contentious situation, make sure not to violate an individual's privacy. Those violations can lead to loss of the asset pursued along with exposure in a civil law suit for damages caused by the privacy violations of the target of an investigation.


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